Friday, April 9, 2010

Employer Mandates Including Breast Milk and the Sortition Tax

A new employer mandate--that companies with more than fifty employees provide a space for women to express milk for their baby. There are many mandates existing or proposed:

  1. Vacations
  2. Sick Leave
  3. Family and Medical Leave Act
  4. and, of course, American Disabilities Act
But what are the incentives for a company to provide more than required or for a business of fourty-eight employers to provide these valuable benefits? And for some businesses, these are burdensome or at least irritating.

Rather, at consumption time, businesses should be rated and compete on how they treat their employees, and those that treat their employees well, pay less taxes and of course, have a competitive advantage in the American Market Place. And this goes for those who export their products into the United States as well. I call this a consumption-based sortition tax.

What are now mandates would be a checklist for the sortition jury and possibly even a set of guidelines for them.

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